Electric Boat Service & Repair
The Electric Boat Company offer full service and repair solutions to both privately owned electric boats and comercial operators. From preventative annual maintenance to emergency repairs mid-season our engineers have an unrivalled range of experience.
Mobile Engineers - Fault Diagnosis - Specialist parts in stock - Full Workshop Facility

Electric Boat Batteries
An electric boat is nothing without a healthy battery bank! A significant investment, it is critical that your batteries are well matched to the propulsion system and your proposed use. If properly specified you should be able to cruise quite happily without range anxiety and comfortable in the knowledge that your batteries are not being over-used, drastically improving their useful lifetime.
The range of battery technologies and constantly changing advice can initially seem intimidating. Our first hand experience with the full range of Wet Lead-Acid, Maintenance Free Gel or Absorbed Glass Matt (AGM) and Lithium means we are more than happy to discuss which would best suit your indiviudal application and budget.
All batteries supplied by The Electric Boat Company are leading brand names with proven reliability. Please note we do not supply cheap 'white label' batteries as these are a false economy in our experience. Installation can take place at your usual mooring and we are able to responsibly dispose of old batteries for recycling if desired.

Propulsion Motors & Controllers
The heart of an electric boat is of course the motor and control system.
While all electric boats operate on the same principles we are yet to find two boats exactly alike! Whether an original system from the 1980's or a modern installation we are able to offer a full range of servicing and refurbishment for motors, controllers and throttle units.
We are able to work with the full range of inboard, outboard and pod motors. Where access requires the vessel to be taken out the water we are happy to offer our own facilities or, if you prefer, your local marina can be used.
Some of the brands we are used to working with include: Curtis, Zapi, Nelco Nexus, Electro Dynamic Control (EDC), Duffy, Neco, Vetus, BEST Motor, C.F.R., Waterworld, Minn Kota, Motorguide and Lynch (LEMCO).

Electric Boat Chargers
Often overlooked, the correct charger for your vessel is just as important as the correct battery.
It is all too often that we are asked to replace a set of batteries that have failed prematurely, only to find the charger was never correctly matched to the battery bank installed. Not only will this cause your batteries to fail early, it usually means their true potential has never been enjoyed.
The modern chargers we supply and install offer a computer controlled multi stage charging cycle to protect your investment and ensure both the capacity and lifetime of your battery bank is maximised.

Emergency Repairs
We understand how frustrating it can be when you're all set for a trip out with family and friends, check the boat and nothing happens! Our emergency call out service covers the Thames from Reading right down to Teddington and everywhere in between.
Our stock of hard to find specialist parts means we can often get you back up and running in one visit, though rest assured if more significant repairs are required we have the expertise in house to help.